Medicaid Approval Process

Medicaid covers Bariatric Surgery. But you MUST qualify.

Below are the Medicaid requirements to qualify for Weight Loss Surgery.

Please read carefully. ALL requirements must be met and completed.

The following are the Medicaid requirements and documentation to qualify for bariatric surgery and schedule an appointment with Dr. del Pino.

Remember Medicaid makes the requirements and rules, we don’t.

You are responsible for completing all these requirements and sending us the documentation.

Once all this documentation is completed, you will ask your primary care practitioner for a referral to see us.

All this documentation will be sent to Medicaid for approval.

Once Medicaid approves your application, your surgery will be scheduled.

All Medicaid patients must follow two weeks of a liquid diet before surgery, no exceptions.

Medicaid requirements checklist

1. You must be at least 21 years old

2. Your BMI must be at least 35

3. You must suffer from one of the following conditions documented by your primary care practitioner:

  • Obesity associated hypoventilation 

  • Moderate to severe sleep apnea

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Obesity induced cardiomyopathy

  • Hypertension resistant to three different medications

  • Diabetes mellitus type HbA1c uncontrolled with two medications or insulin

  • Cardiovascular or peripheral vascular disease

  • Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol, triglycerides) not controlled by two medications

  • Chronic skin ulceration with infection

  • Pulmonary hypertension

  • Chronic joint disease not responding to medications

  • Fatty liver

4. You must provide documentation of completion of a medically supervised diet for six months.

5. You must attend a weight loss seminar

6. Complete medical evaluation

7. Complete psychological evaluation

8. Complete dietary evaluation

9. Complete cardiology evaluation

10. Complete pulmonologist evaluation

11. You must undergo an upper endoscopy

Please keep in mind you are responsible for completing these requirements and sending us the documentation.

Do you qualify? If you don’t - you may be a candidate for our special combo price!

We still may be able to use it to cover a portion of your procedure!

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